About NGS

Award for Excellence: Genealogical Methods and Sources

Presented to an individual or nonprofit organization for a specific, significant single contribution in the form of a book, an article, or a series of articles published during the past three years that discusses genealogical methods and sources and serves to foster scholarship and/or otherwise advances or promotes excellence in genealogy.

Deadline for submissions is 15 December, annually.


  • Published during the past three years
  • Nominees need not be members of NGS

Nomination for Award for Excellence: Genealogical Methods and Sources

Nomination Form (Online Form) >

The online nomination form must be accompanied by an electronic version of the book in pdf format. A digital copy of your book will be donated to the NGS Book Loan Collection at St. Louis (Missouri) County Library.

Deadline for submissions is 15 December, annually.

Note: Email contact information is required for all submissions.