Below are a few helpful tips and hints. First and foremost, most family researchers will benefit by looking to others in the field for their expertise. Their experience and advice will help expand your research.
- Cyndi’s List is one of the best sources to find links to just about any topic in genealogy. She does the legwork for you.
- Local university libraries in the geographic area you are researching often have excellent historical collections and might even have genealogical collections. They usually have historical map collections for the area, bound family genealogies or manuscript records, and often city directories and newspaper collections. Get to know the reference librarian so she can alert you to new or digitized records.
- Across the United States historical societies exist at every municipal level from local, county, and state. Their collections are important to your genealogical work. Try to visit each one for the area where your ancestors lived. And it goes without saying: Visit multiple genealogical societies in the areas your ancestors lived. Small societies will surprise you with the types of family history sources they collect.
- Volunteer to teach beginners or index records locally with a genealogy group or online with the German Genealogy Group or FamilySearch. The more you help others, the greater your understanding will be of genealogical concepts as well.
- Network with fellow genealogists by joining a genealogy society. It’s impossible to know everything about all the specialized aspects of genealogy work. Genealogy colleagues are important to your own personal growth.